La línea CASUAL es nuestra gama de ropa informar off bike con nuestra identidad, que te acompaña por la ciudad y momentos post-bici. Prendas diseñadas para bridad comodidad, ligereza y estilo para el uso diario en cualquier entorno.



    OFF BIKE - Casual wear

    Our Off Bike collection is the perfect combination of the latest in urban fashion and a discreet, minimalist style. Casual clothing with the Gsport identity that accompanies you through the city and post-bike moments. Garments designed to provide comfort, lightness and style for everyday use in any environment. High quality fabrics, original and eye-catching creations and designs, and a careful production down to the last detail. Functional garments designed to fit your lifestyle, perfected and developed by and for cyclists. It's a lifestyle collection with a relaxed, modern and minimalist look. Clothes for urban life, the urban cyclist, which, in addition to attention to detail and aesthetics, are comfortable, practical and sustainable.

    Discover our collection of casual clothing for the Off Bike life

    Gsport's casual wear collection consists of T-shirts and caps. T-shirts made of premium organic cotton, designs with cycling influences and a natural, casual fit. Loose-fitting, casual clothing that adapts to the pace of the city and the daily routine. With eye-catching graphics, bold and understated detailing, our T-shirts are the epitome of comfort and style. And caps with a distinctive style in every design, with embossed logos, labels, details and iconic motifs. Our caps are based on the refined, timeless silhouette of the traditional baseball cap, available in soft, comfortable cotton or technical, breathable fabrics.

    This collection is a fusion of streetwear and cycling clothing, exploring brand concepts and values, all with a touch of today's youth culture and city lifestyle. Combining a more casual style with everyday functionality, casual clothing is the ideal choice at any time, with or without a bike. If you are part of our team, share our values and follow our brand, this is a way to take it with you around the world.